In Memory of




Condolence From: Uncle Ron & Aunt Marguerite
Condolence: Dear Linda, Gene, and Devon: We all say the same thing--there are just no words to express the pain and the sadness we feel for you. You can see Jesse everyday in his child. We know he is with you and watching you and loving you. Linda, There is a special person in heaven who you will see again along with your Mom and Dad. Our prayers are with all of you everyday. You and Gene will find moments to smile about with your beautiful grandchild. Sending you love and lots of hugs.
Monday June 06, 2016
Condolence From: Toni Jean Rothberg
Condolence: The saying is "the Good Die Young" but this was way to young! Jesse I want you to know that I was so proud of the young man you turned out to be and the fantastic father you were, I have to admit I was a little worried because of your age! But the first time I saw you with Riley my fears vanished. You were meant to be a daddy and you weren't afraid to be one, if you were you didn't show it. You were one of the most respectful young man I ever met, and I am so happy & proud to have known you, you have a place in my heart and always will. Thank you for loving my girl and my Great Grandbabies it meant everything to see how happy you made them. Hearing of your passing just shocked me so much I can't seem to be able to wrap my head around it, today is the first day that I could even sit down and try to post how I feel about you without crying to the point that I couldn't see what I was typing. That just shows you how much You are loved by all of us who had the pleasure of meeting & knowing you! We will miss you so much. Linda Petra & Gene, & Devin we won't be able to be there tomorrow to pay are respects & give you our condolences in person, but we will be there in spirit. Sending love & prayers to you all. Rest in Peace Jesse until we meet again watch over our babies & Devin keep them safe
Saturday June 04, 2016
Condolence From: William Scannell
Condolence: My deepest condolences to your entire family. You do not know me but I lost my 20yr old son, Emmett Scannell on 4/20/2016 to a heroin overdose. I want to thank you for having the strength and courage to tell the truth and let the world know that addiction (aka Substance Use Disorder) took Jesse's life. Like you I used my son's death to educate others about this deadly Disease & heroin epidemic that claims 129 lives a day. If I can ever be of any assistance to your family or if you'd like to join us to hopefully save some lives go to or you can reach me directly at I will keep your family in my prayers. Sincerely a Family Member of Loss, William Scannell, Bridgewater, MA
Thursday June 02, 2016
Condolence From: Samantha Ayres
Condolence: I cant begin to describe how heartbroken I am to have heard the news that we lost such a wonderful person in our lives. Sending all the love and light in the world to his parents, his brother, my very good friend Devin and those sweet babies they share. We love you Jesse, so much. and we miss you to pieces already. He is with us all, always. There are not enough words to express my sorrow.
Thursday June 02, 2016
Condolence From: Geeta Nisraiyya
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences to the Flynn family on the tragic loss of our Jesse. I still very vividly remember Jesse's simple, pleasant personality and it's a shock that I cannot absorb. May the Lord bring peace and help overcome all pain. In deepest sympathy, Amen!
Wednesday June 01, 2016
Condolence From: angela shepherd
Condolence: My God Linda I don't know how to say I deeply sorry for you and gene! He was stricken by a horrible disease and now is nit tortured by this evil anymore! May god be with you to give you peace and strength through this devastating tome in your life love you and gene!
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Condolence From: cindy hendricks
Condolence: I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to the family and friends of Jesse. RIP - gone much too soon!
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Condolence From: Christine Klimkowski Blackman
Condolence: Linda, Gene, Devin, Neil, Riley and Charlee, I have no words that are adequate to express my sadness for your loss of your beautiful son to his disease. How lucky was Jesse to be surrounded by people who loved him and understood the power of his disease. There is no shame in addiction and I am glad you made that very clear in Jesse's obituary. I look forward to the day when mental illness and addiction no longer carries the additional burden of the stigma that goes along with it. I am so sorry. With Love-Your Cousin Christine
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Condolence From: Denise Peterson
Condolence: Dear Jesse, Although I have never met you, I feel as if I had. I went to school with your mother, and have been friends for years... I have seen the last 8-9 years of your life on Facebook through pictures and your mother's postings. I remember her sending me a pic of you behind the wheel in her covertible years ago. I think it was when you first got your license. She had such a smile on her face. She is so very proud of you and loves you more than words could express. I have seen the delight in your parents eyes and smiles with the new additions to your family. A beautiful family you have created. I'm so sorry for your struggles these past few years. I did not know of these struggles and I'm so saddened for you and your family that it has taken you from this beautiful life you have just started. I know that you will be watching over them all... to protect them and guide them to help them mourn, heal, and smile again. Too young you were...I hope you are at peace Jesse. I will keep your family in my thoughts... Love, Denise
Monday May 30, 2016
Condolence From: Adam and Marychris Flynn
Condolence: My beautiful nephew you are forever in our hearts. We love you more then words can express. I told you how proud I was and will always be. Uncle Adam will miss you terribly at work. We will be there for your parents, brother and children and for Devin. Xoxoxo. Forever in our hearts, forever you will be. Love Aunt Marychris and Uncle Adam
Monday May 30, 2016