In Memory of




Carmen F. Spezzi Funeral Home
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2016-06-05 13:50:03
Lisa Ames
God Speed Gracie. You were a wonderful caring lady with a wonderful family. I miss you terribly. Thank you for always hugging my kids and me! Look out for us down here. xoxoxo
2016-07-16 23:41:48
Missing you now more than ever
2016-06-10 21:46:57
Emily Spohr
God bless you, Aunt Grace. God is so lucky to have gained you as an angel. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you so much! <3
2016-06-08 17:47:59
Patti Dapolito Kriska
You are at peace now mom. You are free to fly with the Angels. My heart will always be broken until we meet again.
2016-06-07 14:23:48
Patti Dapolito Kriska
You are at peace now mom. You are free to fly with the Angels. My heart will always be broken until we meet again.
2016-06-07 14:22:21
James J Nugent
My dear Cousin Grace, one of the lights of my life: An actor is not usually at a loss for words, but right now this one is, so I will let my tears and my broken heart speak for me. Grace, you always welcomed me with a kiss and a smile, even that time when I shared with you, only, what I thought were dark personal secrets that would ostracize me from the family. But, you assured me that I was, and always would be, welcomed and loved by you and yours. When we visited and talked, you always brought my mother, your "Aunt Anna," back to life with your stories and fond remembrances. I'd like to continue our talks, so don't be surprised, my guardian angel (please?!), if you hear from me, and hear from me often. Say hello to everyone there; send them my love; hopefully I'll be with you all someday. I'll miss you, but know that I loved you all your life. Now I will love you all of mine. Cousin Jimmy
2016-06-06 23:26:42
Cecilia Spohr
God Bless You Aunt Grace... With a heavy heart, I am saddened by your death and pray for your eternal peace. You were one of a kind and one in a million; no wonder Mommy chose you for her BEST friend! You had the biggest heart ever and the best sense of humor ever. Not to mention, the BEST cook ever. Ahhhhh, cappelini and your delicious sauce…..always put a huge smile on my belly (& heart). I have so many priceless memories of you to cherish for a lifetime. I’ll always remember dancing in your living room, on Chestnut Street, to Al Green. And I cannot walk into The Dutch Country Farmers Market without envisioning you there with me. And I feel so very Blessed to have you for my Aunt and a part of my life. Please rest in peace, enjoy your reunion with Uncle Pat and know that I will always love you and miss you. Forever in my heart, until we meet again - Cecilia xoxo
2016-06-06 20:32:55
Gina, Ava and Tom
2016-06-06 12:34:13
Love you
2016-06-06 12:32:39
God has gained the most amazing angel. Her beautiful smile and contagious sense of humor will always be the happiness in my heart that I can take with me forever. She touched so many during her time here, and I know she will touch even more in her new chapter of life. Love you more and more grandma. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
2016-06-06 11:20:43